0nix Elite Hacker-L33T-1337 07.07.2020 4 212 3 78 30.03.2021 #1 YouTube Manjaro ARM on the Raspberry Pi 400 I've been wanting to play around with my Raspberry Pi 400 again, so I decided to install Manjaro on it. In this video, I review Manjaro ARM (MATE edition) ru... Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть... Читать далее...
YouTube Manjaro ARM on the Raspberry Pi 400 I've been wanting to play around with my Raspberry Pi 400 again, so I decided to install Manjaro on it. In this video, I review Manjaro ARM (MATE edition) ru... Нажмите, чтобы раскрыть... Читать далее...