
Intermidiate Hacker
t50 5.4.1 Experimental Multi-protocol Packet Injector Tool

taof 0.3.2 Taof is a GUI cross-platform Python generic network protocol fuzzer.

tbear 1.5 Transient Bluetooth Environment Auditor includes an ncurses-based Bluetooth scanner (a bit similar to kismet), a Bluetooth DoS tool, and a Bluetooth hidden device locator.

tcgetkey 0.1 A set of tools that deal with acquiring physical memory dumps via FireWire and then scan the memory dump to locate TrueCrypt keys and finally decrypt the encrypted TrueCrypt container using the keys.

tckfc 21.a32167e TrueCrypt key file cracker.

tcpcontrol-fuzzer 0.1 2^6 TCP control bit fuzzer (no ECN or CWR).

tcpdump 4.6.2 A tool for network monitoring and data acquisition

tcpextract 1.1 Extracts files from captured TCP sessions. Support live streams and pcap files.

tcpflow 1.4.4 Captures data transmitted as part of TCP connections then stores the data conveniently

tcpick 0.2.1 TCP stream sniffer and connection tracker

tcpjunk 2.9.03 A general tcp protocols testing and hacking utility.

tcpreplay 4.1.0 Gives the ability to replay previously captured traffic in a libpcap format

tcptraceroute 1.5beta7 A traceroute implementation using TCP packets.

tcpwatch 1.3.1 A utility written in Python that lets you monitor forwarded TCP connections or HTTP proxy connections. http://hathawaymix.org/Software/TCPWatch

tcpxtract 1.0.1 A tool for extracting files from network traffic.

teardown 1.0 Command line tool to send a BYE request to tear down a call.

tekdefense-automater 58.a034193 IP URL and MD5 OSINT Analysis

termineter 0.1.0 Smart meter testing framework

tftp-bruteforce 0.1 TFTP-bruteforcer is a fast TFTP filename bruteforcer written in perl.

tftp-fuzz 1337 Master TFTP fuzzing script as part of the ftools series of fuzzers.

tftp-proxy 0.1 This tool accepts connection on tftp and reloads requested content from an upstream tftp server. Meanwhile modifications to the content can be done by pluggable modules. So this one's nice if your mitm with some embedded devices.

thc-ipv6 2.7 A complete tool set to attack the inherent protocol weaknesses of IPv6 and ICMP6, and includes an easy to use packet factory library. http://thc.org/thc-ipv6/

thc-keyfinder 1.0 Finds crypto keys, encrypted data and compressed data in files by analyzing the entropy of parts of the file. https://www.thc.org/releases.php

thc-pptp-bruter 0.1.4 A brute force program that works against pptp vpn endpoints (tcp port 1723).

thc-smartbrute 1.0 This tool finds undocumented and secret commands implemented in a smartcard.

thc-ssl-dos 1.4 A tool to verify the performance of SSL. To be used in your authorized and legitimate area ONLY. You need to accept this to make use of it, no use for bad intentions, you have been warned!

theharvester 13.56a30e2 Python tool for gathering e-mail accounts and subdomain names from different public sources (search engines, pgp key servers). http://www.edge-security.com/theHarvester.php

themole 0.3 Automatic SQL injection exploitation tool.

tiger 3.2.3 A security scanner, that checks computer for known problems. Can also use tripwire, aide and chkrootkit. http://www.nongnu.org/tiger/

tilt 90.2bc2ef2 An easy and simple tool implemented in Python for ip reconnaissance, with reverse ip lookup.

timegen 0.4 This program generates a *.wav file to "send" an own time signal to DCF77 compatible devices.

tinc 1.0.25 VPN (Virtual Private Network) daemon

tinfoleak 3.6469eb3 Get detailed information about a Twitter user activity.

tinyproxy 1.8.4 A light-weight HTTP proxy daemon for POSIX operating systems.

tlsenum 75.6618285 A command line tool to enumerate TLS cipher-suites supported by a server.

tlspretense 0.6.2 SSL/TLS client testing framework

tlssled 1.3 A Linux shell script whose purpose is to evaluate the security of a target SSL/TLS (HTTPS) web server implementation. http://blog.taddong.com/2011/05/tlssled-v10.html

tnscmd 1.3 a lame tool to prod the oracle tnslsnr process (1521/tcp)

topera 19.3e230fd An IPv6 security analysis toolkit, with the particularity that their attacks can't be detected by Snort. https://github.com/toperaproject/topera

tor Anonymizing overlay network.

tor-autocircuit 0.2 Tor Autocircuit was developed to give users a finer control over Tor circuit creation. The tool exposes the functionality of TorCtl library which allows its users to control circuit length, speed, geolocation, and other parameters.

tor-browser-en 4.0.2 Tor Browser Bundle: Anonymous browsing using firefox and tor

torshammer 1.0 A slow POST Denial of Service testing tool written in Python.

torsocks 2.0.0 Wrapper to safely torify applications

tpcat latest TPCAT is based upon pcapdiff by the EFF. TPCAT will analyze two packet captures (taken on each side of the firewall as an example) and report any packets that were seen on the source capture but didn’t make it to the dest.

traceroute 2.0.21 Tracks the route taken by packets over an IP network

trid 2.11 An utility designed to identify file types from their binary signatures

trinity 3749.996e568 A Linux System call fuzzer.

trixd00r 0.0.1 An advanced and invisible userland backdoor based on TCP/IP for UNIX systems.

truecrack 35 Password cracking for truecrypt(c) volumes.

truecrypt 7.1a Free open-source cross-platform disk encryption software

tsh 0.6 An open-source UNIX backdoor that compiles on all variants, has full pty support, and uses strong crypto for communication. http://packetstormsecurity.com/search/?q=tsh

tsh-sctp 2.850a2da An open-source UNIX backdoor.

tunna 14.953f745 a set of tools which will wrap and tunnel any TCP communication over HTTP. It can be used to bypass network restrictions in fully firewalled environments.

tuxcut 5.1 Netcut-like program for Linux written in PyQt.

twofi 2.0 Twitter Words of Interest.


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