
Intermidiate Hacker
sockstat 0.3 A tool to let you view information about open connections. It is similar to the tool of the same name that is included in FreeBSD, trying to faithfully reproduce as much functionality as is possible.

soot 2.5.0 A Java Bytecode Analysis and Transformation Framework.

spade 114 A general-purpose Internet utility package, with some extra features to help in tracing the source of spam and other forms of Internet arassment.

sparta 15.e7bdf7b Python GUI application which simplifies network infrastructure penetration testing by aiding the penetration tester in the scanning and enumeration phase.

sparty 0.1 An open source tool written in python to audit web applications using sharepoint and frontpage architecture. http://sparty.secniche.org/

spectools 2010_04_R1 Spectrum-Tools is a set of utilities for using the Wi-Spy USB spectrum analyzer hardware. Stable version. http://www.kismetwireless.net/spectools/

speedpwn 8.3dd2793 An active WPA/2 Bruteforcer, original created to prove weak standard key generation in different ISP labeled routers without a client is connected.

spiderfoot 2.2.0 The Open Source Footprinting Tool.

spiderpig-pdffuzzer 0.1 A javascript pdf fuzzer

spiga 7240.3a804ac Configurable web resource scanner

spike 2.9 IMMUNITYsec's fuzzer creation kit in C

spike-proxy 148 A Proxy for detecting vulnerabilities in web applications

spiped 1.4.2 A utility for creating symmetrically encrypted and authenticated pipes between socket addresses. https://www.tarsnap.com/spiped.html

spipscan 69.4ad3235 SPIP (CMS) scanner for penetration testing purpose written in Python.

splint 3.1.2 A tool for statically checking C programs for security vulnerabilities and coding mistakes

sploitctl 35.23a18ca Fetch, install and search exploit archives from exploit sites like exploit-db and packetstorm. https://github.com/BlackArch/sploitctl

sploitego 153.d9568dc Maltego Penetration Testing Transforms.

spooftooph 0.5.2 Designed to automate spoofing or cloning Bluetooth device Name, Class, and Address. Cloning this information effectively allows Bluetooth device to hide in plain sight

sps 4.2 A Linux packet crafting tool. Supports IPv4, IPv6 including extension headers, and tunneling IPv6 over IPv4. https://sites.google.com/site/simplepacketsender/

sqid 0.3 A SQL injection digger.

sqlbrute 1.0 Brute forces data out of databases using blind SQL injection.

sqlmap 6445.20c272b An automatic SQL injection tool developed in Python.

sqlninja 0.2.999 A tool targeted to exploit SQL Injection vulnerabilities on a web application that uses Microsoft SQL Server as its back-end http://sqlninja.sourceforge.net/

sqlpat 1.0.1 This tool should be used to audit the strength of Microsoft SQL Server passwords offline.

sqlping 4 SQL Server scanning tool that also checks for weak passwords using wordlists.

sqlsus 0.7.2 An open source MySQL injection and takeover tool, written in perl

ssdp-scanner 1.0 SSDP amplification scanner written in Python. Makes use of Scapy.

ssh-privkey-crack 0.3 A SSH private key cracker

ssh-user-enum 5.3d83131 SSH User Enumeration Script in Python Using The Timing Attack.

sshatter 1.2 Password bruteforcer for SSH

sshscan 7401.3bfd4ae A horizontal SSH scanner that scans large swaths of IPv4 space for a single SSH user and pass. https://github.com/getdual/scripts-n-tools/blob/master/sshscan.py

sshtrix 0.0.2 A very fast multithreaded SSH login cracker.

sshuttle 198.9ce2fa0 Transparent proxy server that works as a poor man's VPN. Forwards all TCP packets over ssh (and even DNS requests when using --dns option). Doesn't require admin privileges on the server side.

ssl-hostname-resolver 1 CN (Common Name) grabber on X.509 Certificates over HTTPS. http://packetstormsecurity.com/files/120634/Common-Name-Grabber-Script.html

ssl-phuck3r 2.0 All in one script for Man-In-The-Middle attacks.

sslcat 1.0 SSLCat is a simple Unix utility that reads and writes data across an SSL enable network connection.

sslcaudit 522.5b6be3e Utility to perform security audits of SSL/TLS clients.

ssldump 0.9b3 an SSLv3/TLS network protocol analyzer

sslh 1.16 SSL/SSH/OpenVPN/XMPP/tinc port multiplexer

sslmap 0.2.0 A lightweight TLS/SSL cipher suite scanner.

sslnuke 5.c5faeaa Transparent proxy that decrypts SSL traffic and prints out IRC messages.

sslscan 239.1328b49 Tests SSL/TLS enabled services to discover supported cipher suites.

sslsniff 0.8 A tool to MITM all SSL connections on a LAN and dynamically generate certs for the domains that are being accessed on the fly http://www.thoughtcrime.org/software/sslsniff/

sslsplit 0.4.10 A tool for man-in-the-middle attacks against SSL/TLS encrypted network connections.

sslstrip 0.9 Transparently hijack http traffic on a network, watch for https links and redirects, then map those links. http://www.thoughtcrime.org/software/sslstrip

sslyze 0.10 Python tool for analyzing the configuration of SSL servers and for identifying misconfigurations.

stackflow 2.2af525d Universal stack-based buffer overfow exploitation tool.

starttls-mitm 7.b257756 A mitm proxy that will transparently proxy and dump both plaintext and TLS traffic.

statsprocessor 0.083 A high-performance word-generator based on per-position Markov-attack.

steghide 0.5.1 Embeds a message in a file by replacing some of the least significant bits

stompy 0.0.4 an advanced utility to test the quality of WWW session identifiers and other tokens that are meant to be unpredictable. http://lcamtuf.coredump.cx/

storm-ring 0.1 This simple tool is useful to test a PABX with "allow guest" parameter set to "yes" (in this scenario an anonymous caller could place a call).

stunnel 5.10 A program that allows you to encrypt arbitrary TCP connections inside SSL

subbrute 58.ff00d72 A python subdomain bruteforce tool for pentesters.

subdomainer 1.2 A tool designed for obtaining subdomain names from public sources.

subterfuge 5.0 Automated Man-in-the-Middle Attack Framework
sucrack 1.2.3 A multi-threaded Linux/UNIX tool for brute-force cracking local user accounts via su http://labs.portcullis.co.uk/application/sucrack

sulley 1.0.cb5e62c A pure-python fully automated and unattended fuzzing framework.

superscan 4 Powerful TCP port scanner, pinger, resolver.

suricata 2.0.6 An Open Source Next Generation Intrusion Detection and Prevention Engine. http://openinfosecfoundation.org/index.php/download-suricata

svn-extractor 28.3af00fb A simple script to extract all web resources by means of .SVN folder exposed over network. https://github.com/anantshri/svn-extractor

swaks 20130209.0 Swiss Army Knife SMTP; Command line SMTP testing, Including TLS and AUTH

swfintruder 0.9.1 First tool for testing security in Flash movies. A runtime analyzer for SWF external movies. It helps to find flaws in Flash. http://code.google.com/p/swfintruder/

synflood 0.1 A very simply script to illustrate DoS SYN Flooding attack.

synner 1.1 A custom eth->ip->tcp packet generator (spoofer) for testing firewalls and dos attacks. http://packetstormsecurity.com/files/69802/synner.c.html

synscan 5.02 fast asynchronous half-open TCP portscanner

sysdig 1436.4db7308 Open source system-level exploration and troubleshooting tool.

sysinternals-suite 1.3 Sysinternals tools suite.


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