
Intermidiate Hacker
safecopy 1.7 A disk data recovery tool to extract data from damaged media

sagan 1.0.0RC4 A snort-like log analysis engine.

sakis3g 0.2.0e An all-in-one script for connecting with 3G

sambascan 0.5.0 Allows you to search an entire network or a number of hosts for SMB shares. It will also list the contents of all public shares that it finds. http://sourceforge.net/projects/sambascan2/

samdump2 3.0.0 Dump password hashes from a Windows NT/2k/XP installation http://sourceforge.net/projects/ophcrack/files/samdump2/

samydeluxe 2.2ed1bac Automatic samdump creation script.

sandy 6.531ab16 An open-source Samsung phone encryption assessment framework

sasm 3.1.0 A simple crossplatform IDE for NASM, MASM, GAS and FASM assembly languages.

sb0x 19.04f40fe A simple and Lightweight framework for Penetration testing.

sbd 1.36 Netcat-clone, portable, offers strong encryption - features AES-CBC + HMAC-SHA1 encryption, program execution (-e), choosing source port, continuous reconnection with delay + more

scalpel 2.0 A frugal, high performance file carver

scanmem 0.13 A utility used to locate the address of a variable in an executing process.

scanssh 2.1 Fast SSH server and open proxy scanner.

scapy 2.3.1 A powerful interactive packet manipulation program written in Python

schnappi-dhcp 0.1 schnappi can fuck network with no DHCP

scout2 208.aaf57b8 Security auditing tool for AWS environments.

scrape-dns 58.3df392f Searches for interesting cached DNS entries.

scrapy 4443.ee17902 A fast high-level scraping and web crawling framework.

scrounge-ntfs 0.9 Data recovery program for NTFS file systems

sctpscan 1.0 A network scanner for discovery and security

seat 0.3 Next generation information digging application geared toward the needs of security professionals. It uses information stored in search engine databases, cache repositories, and other public resources to scan web sites for potential vulnerabilities.

secscan 1.5 Web Apps Scanner and Much more utilities.

secure-delete 3.1 Secure file, disk, swap, memory erasure utilities.

sees 67.cd741aa Increase the success rate of phishing attacks by sending emails to company users as if they are coming from the very same company's domain.

sergio-proxy 0.2.1 A multi-threaded transparent HTTP proxy for manipulating web traffic

sessionlist 1.0 Sniffer that intents to sniff HTTP packets and attempts to reconstruct interesting authentication data from websites that do not employ proper secure cookie auth.

set 6.1.2 Social-engineer toolkit. Aimed at penetration testing around Social-Engineering

sfuzz 0.7.0 A simple fuzzer.

shellcodecs 0.1 A collection of shellcode, loaders, sources, and generators provided with documentation designed to ease the exploitation and shellcode programming process.

shellme 3.8c7919d Because sometimes you just need shellcode and opcodes quickly. This essentially just wraps some nasm/objdump calls into a neat script.

shellnoob 2.1 A toolkit that eases the writing and debugging of shellcode

shocker 52.4c9df3a A tool to find and exploit servers vulnerable to Shellshock.

shodan 1.2.4 Python library for Shodan ( developer.shodan.io )

shortfuzzy 0.1 A web fuzzing script written in perl.

sidguesser 1.0.5 Guesses sids/instances against an Oracle database according to a predefined dictionary file. http://www.cqure.net/wp/tools/database/sidguesser/

siege 3.0.9 An http regression testing and benchmarking utility

silk 3.10.0 A collection of traffic analysis tools developed by the CERT NetSA to facilitate security analysis of large networks. https://tools.netsa.cert.org/silk/

simple-ducky 1.1.1 A payload generator.

simple-lan-scan 1.0 A simple python script that leverages scapy for discovering live hosts on a network. http://packetstormsecurity.com/files/97353/Simple-LAN-Scanner.0.html

sinfp 1.22 A full operating system stack fingerprinting suite.

siparmyknife 11232011 A small command line tool for developers and administrators of Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) applications. http://packetstormsecurity.com/files/107301/sipArmyKnife_11232011.pl.txt

sipcrack 0.2 A SIP protocol login cracker.

sipp 3.3 A free Open Source test tool / traffic generator for the SIP protocol.

sipsak 0.9.6 A small command line tool for developers and administrators of Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) applications.

sipscan 0.1 A sip scanner.

sipshock 6.1d636ab A scanner for SIP proxies vulnerable to Shellshock.

sipvicious 0.2.8 Tools for auditing SIP devices

skipfish 2.10b A fully automated, active web application security reconnaissance tool

skyjack 7.5f7a25e Takes over Parrot drones, deauthenticating their true owner and taking over control, turning them into zombie drones under your own control.

skype-dump 0.1 This is a tool that demonstrates dumping MD5 password hashes from the configuration file in Skype. http://packetstormsecurity.com/files/119155/Skype-Hash-Dumper.0.html

skypefreak 30.14a81cb A Cross Platform Forensic Framework for Skype.

sleuthkit 4.1.3 File system and media management forensic analysis tools

slowhttptest 1.6 A highly configurable tool that simulates application layer denial of service attacks.

slowloris 0.7 A tool which is written in perl to test http-server vulnerabilites for connection exhaustion denial of service (DoS) attacks so you can enhance the security of your webserver.

smali 2.0.5 An assembler/disassembler for Android's dex format.
Repository for the Smartphone Pentest Framework (SPF). https://github.com/georgiaw/Smartphone-Pentest-Framework

smbbf 0.9.1 SMB password bruteforcer.

smbexec 148.7827616 A rapid psexec style attack with samba tools.

smbrelay 3 SMB / HTTP to SMB replay attack toolkit.

smtp-fuzz 1.0 Simple smtp fuzzer

smtp-user-enum 1.2 Username guessing tool primarily for use against the default Solaris SMTP service. Can use either EXPN, VRFY or RCPT TO. http://pentestmonkey.net/tools/user-enumeration/smtp-user-enum

smtp-vrfy 1.0 An SMTP Protocol Hacker.

smtpmap 0.8.234_BETA Tool to identify the running smtp software on a given host. http://www.projectiwear.org/~plasmahh/software.html

smtpscan 0.5 An SMTP scanner

smtptx 1.0 A very simple tool used for sending simple email and do some basic email testing from a pentester perspective. http://www.0x90.se/

sn00p 0.8 A modular tool written in bourne shell and designed to chain and automate security tools and tests. http://www.nullsecurity.net/tools/automation.html

snapception 8.c156f9e Intercept and decrypt all snapchats received ver your network.

sniffjoke 0.4.1 Injects packets in the transmission flow that are able to seriously disturb passive analysis like sniffing, interception and low level information theft.

snmp-brute 11.180075b SNMP brute force, enumeration, CISCO config downloader and password cracking script. https://github.com/SECFORCE/SNMP-Brute

snmp-fuzzer 0.1.1 SNMP fuzzer uses Protos test cases with an entirely new engine written in Perl. http://www.arhont.com/en/category/resources/tools-utilities/

snmpattack 1.8 SNMP scanner and attacking tool.

snmpcheck 1.8 A free open source utility to get information via SNMP protocols.

snmpenum 1.7 snmp enumerator

snmpscan 0.1 A free, multi-processes SNMP scanner

snoopy-ng 93.e305420 A distributed, sensor, data collection, interception, analysis, and visualization framework. https://github.com/sensepost/snoopy-ng

snort A lightweight network intrusion detection system.

snow 20130616 Steganography program for concealing messages in text files.

snscan 1.05 A Windows based SNMP detection utility that can quickly and accurately identify SNMP enabled devices on a network. http://www.mcafee.com/uk/downloads/free-tools/snscan.aspx

socat Multipurpose relay


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