
Intermidiate Hacker
b2sum 20140114 BLAKE2 file hash sum check. Computes the BLAKE2 (BLAKE2b or -s, -bp, -sp) cryptographic hash of a given file. https://blake2.net/

backcookie 44.cbf5b8b Small backdoor using cookie.

backdoor-factory 118.6237b9f Patch win32/64 binaries with shellcode.

backfuzz 36.8e54ed6 A network protocol fuzzing toolkit.

balbuzard 67.d6349ef1bc55 A package of malware analysis tools in python to extract patterns of interest from suspicious files (IP addresses, domain names, known file headers, interesting strings, etc).

bamf-framework 35.30d2b4b A modular framework designed to be a platform to launch attacks against botnets. https://github.com/bwall/BAMF

basedomainname 0.1 Tool that can extract TLD (Top Level Domain), domain extensions (Second Level Domain + TLD), domain name, and hostname from fully qualified domain names.

batman-adv 2014.4.0 Batman kernel module, (included upstream since .38)

bbqsql 1.2 SQL injection exploitation tool.

bdfproxy 58.79edcb2 Patch Binaries via MITM: BackdoorFactory + mitmProxy

bdlogparser 1 This is a utility to parse a Bit Defender log file, in order to sort them into a malware archive for easier maintanence of your malware collection. http://magikh0e.xyz/

bed 0.5 Collection of scripts to test for buffer overflows, format string vulnerabilities.

beef The Browser Exploitation Framework that focuses on the web browser

beeswarm 1154.29273e6 Honeypot deployment made easy - www.beeswarm-ids.org/

beholder 0.8.10 A wireless intrusion detection tool that looks for anomalies in a wifi environment.

beleth 36.0963699 A Multi-threaded Dictionary based SSH cracker.

bfbtester 2.0.1 Performs checks of single and multiple argument command line overflows and environment variable overflows http://sourceforge.net/projects/bfbtester/

bgp-md5crack 0.1 RFC2385 password cracker

binex 1.0 Format String exploit building tool.

bing-ip2hosts 0.4 Enumerates all hostnames which Bing has indexed fora specific IP address.

bing-lfi-rfi 0.1 This is a python script for searching Bing for sites that may have local and remote file inclusion vulnerabilities. http://packetstormsecurity.com/files/121590/Bing-LFI-RFI-Scanner.html

binwalk 2.0.1 A tool for searching a given binary image for embedded files.

binwally 4.0aabd8b Binary and Directory tree comparison tool using the Fuzzy Hashing concept (ssdeep).

bios_memimage 1.2 It dumps RAM contents to disk (aka cold boot attack).

birp 60.1d7c49f A tool that will assist in the security assessment of mainframe applications served over TN3270.

bittwist 2.0 A simple yet powerful libpcap-based Ethernet packet generator. It is designed to complement tcpdump, which by itself has done a great job at capturing network traffic.

bkhive 1.1.1 Program for dumping the syskey bootkey from a Windows NT/2K/XP system hive.

blackarch-menus 0.2 BlackArch specific XDG-compliant menu

blackhash 0.2 Creates a filter from system hashes

bletchley 0.0.1 A collection of practical application cryptanalysis tools.

blindelephant 7 A web application fingerprinter. Attempts to discover the version of a (known) web application by comparing static files at known locations

blindsql 1.0 Set of bash scripts for blind SQL injection attacks

bluebox-ng 82.22fd93e A GPL VoIP/UC vulnerability scanner.

bluebugger 0.1 An implementation of the bluebug technique which was discovered by Martin Herfurt. http://packetstormsecurity.com/files/54024/bluebugger.1.tar.gz.html

bluelog 1.1.2 A Bluetooth scanner and sniffer written to do a single task, log devices that are in discoverable mode. http://www.digifail.com/software/bluelog.shtml

bluepot 0.1 A Bluetooth Honeypot written in Java, runs on Linux

blueprint 0.1_3 A perl tool to identify Bluetooth devices.

blueranger 1.0 A simple Bash script which uses Link Quality to locate Bluetooth device radios. http://www.hackfromacave.com/projects/blueranger.html

bluescan 1.0.6 A Bluetooth Device Scanner.

bluesnarfer 0.1 A bluetooth attacking tool

bmap-tools 3.2 Tool for copying largely sparse files using information from a block map file.

bob-the-butcher 0.7.1 A distributed password cracker package.

bokken 397.dfc6c536eab7 GUI for radare2 and pyew.

bowcaster 0.1 This framework, implemented in Python, is intended to aid those developing exploits by providing useful set of tools and modules, such as payloads, encoders, connect-back servers, etc. Currently the framework is focused on the MIPS CPU architecture, but the design is intended to be modular enough to support arbitrary architectures.

braa 0.82 A mass snmp scanner

braces 0.4 A Bluetooth Tracking Utility.

browser-fuzzer 3 Browser Fuzzer 3

brutessh 0.5 A simple sshd password bruteforcer using a wordlist, it's very fast for internal networks. It's multithreads.

brutus 2 One of the fastest, most flexible remote password crackers you can get your hands on.

bsdiff 4.3 bsdiff and bspatch are tools for building and applying patches to binary files.

bsqlbf 2.7 Blind SQL Injection Brute Forcer.

bss 0.8 Bluetooth stack smasher / fuzzer

bt_audit 0.1.1 Bluetooth audit

btcrack 1.1 The world's first Bluetooth Pass phrase (PIN) bruteforce tool. Bruteforces the Passkey and the Link key from captured Pairing exchanges. http://www.nruns.com/_en/security_tools_btcrack.php

btscanner 2.1 Bluetooth device scanner.

bulk-extractor 1.5.5 Bulk Email and URL extraction tool.

bully 19.ba33677 A wifi-protected-setup (WPS) brute force attack tool.

bunny 0.93 A closed loop, high-performance, general purpose protocol-blind fuzzer for C programs.

burpsuite 1.6 An integrated platform for attacking web applications (free edition).

buttinsky 138.1a2a1b2 Provide an open source framework for automated botnet monitoring.

bvi 1.4.0 A display-oriented editor for binary files operate like "vi" editor.

bytecode-viewer 79.bde746b A Java 8/Android APK Reverse Engineering Suite.


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