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Script Kiddie
AutoPixieWps is a script to automate the pixiewps attack>https://github.com/wiire/pixiewps for kali linux, and nethunter nexus devices.

Credits goes to Wiire and all who have been working on that project

this script is meant for people who wants to check if someone can gain the wpa key, and or if you are protected from this attack Any illegal use of this program is strictly forbidden!.

Kill reaver as soon as e-hash2 is gained.

Manual input target router without scan

Wash scan > target router from scan list

Save resuslts to logfile

option to ignore router from wash scan if it has been cracked, or if PixieWps failed to crack the hash

since AutoPixieWps not actually an attack, but merely controls pixiewps and reaver you need pixieWps and forked reaver that outputs PKE: AuthKey: E-hash1: E-hash2: hashes.

first time, it is needed to add executable permissions for autopixie.

chmod +x autopixie.py

to run:


on any promt, input "0" as aswer to go back to menu (exept under settings when creating new rules)

13.4.2015: changed autopixie to not run reaver with -S and run pixiewps with -e -r -s -z -a -n

to be added: multi attack, attack multiple accesspoints from wash scan, (if multiple routers are in same channel, it will try hashing them all at once, and then move on to the next channel)


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  • We, a group of like-minded people, whose main goal is to increase the level of knowledge and skills.
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