Hacxx Domain Keyword Dropify (All TLDs)

  • Автор темы hacxx
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  • Участники 1


Elite Hacker-L33T-1337

This tool will request a printscreen of each domain on all TLDs (Top Level Domains).
This tool will query a keyword in each tld and printscreen the valid sites.

To use you just need to configure the tool and enter a keyword.
For example onion, pastebin, proxy, etc...

How to configure?
1 - Open the html file with notepad
2 - Create a account at https://screenshotmachine.com
3 - Grab api key and replace xxxxxx with your key
4 - Save the html file and open

Note The tool only waste credits from screenshotmachine when it finds a valid domain. Screenshotmachine gives 100 credits for free per month.

How to use?
1 - Open the html file with your browser
2 - Type a keyword you want to research and click view
3 - Let the tool load
4 - Scroll the images
5 - Once you found a interesting result
6 - Right click the image and open in a new window
7 - Click magnify to view the full page

Note: To know which domain the image is from, open the image in a new window go to the end of the image address and the domain is visible there.

Download 1:

Download 2:


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